
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Me and mom just watched When In Rome in the theater (this was the only one among the few good movies that we haven't seen). My take on it? It was okay. Seemed more like a TV movie than a feature length film for me. There was also a seeming lack of character development, deep chemistry between actors, texture, tension, drama, and proper "villains" in the film. It would have been better if the protagonist in the movie, John Crowley (Brendan Fraser), was bookending the story with a narrative. The highlight of the whole thing, at least for me, was finally figuring out the mix of temperaments and how they well they worked with each other. Dr. Stonehill (Harrison Ford) was obviously a Melancholic the way he went around with his meticulous and analytical work, his dealing with people reveals an underlying second temperament of the bossy Choleric while Crowley, although dominantly more of the laid-back-nice-guy, Phlegmatic, his secondary Choleric temperament put him at loggerheads with Stonehill during crucial moments of their research. It's hard to explain these things at times but that's how I enjoyed the remainder of the film. My mom seemed to thoroughly enjoy it though, she wiped away a tear at the end of the film if I'm not mistaken. I wouldn't say I recommend seeing it on the big screen probably on DVD would be enough.

* Check out also the review in Plugged In Online for more insightful reactions to this movie.

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