Monday, March 31, 2014
That's right
Vincent Van Gogh's "View of the Sea at Scheveningen".
I feel like this painting. You can't spell painting without, "pain."
Labels: art, art related, curios, discovery, paintings, waxing poetic
Friday, March 28, 2014
What Time Is It?
I got a box of what appears to be a cereal drink from my older brother in Korea earlier today. I tried looking for some information online if it's prepared the same way as the local brands or if it's green tea matcha? This is what I found:
Hardly the same thing.
I'll try this one out tomorrow morning and I'll be posting the results.
Crisis Averted
Then there were these new leaves coming out from the Ixora (Santan) plants which means both types are adjusting quickly and nicely to their newfound space in the plantbox! Yay!
There were also these new leaves coming out nicely from the— uh... I have no idea what these clinging vines are called. But the sellers told me they're quite fragile when this young but look at them:
And last, but not least, are the transplanted bouganvilleas with yellow bracts that got me nervous. See how nicely they're recovering under the morning sun:
To think before I didn't think I could develop a green thumb. So, again, YAY!
Labels: aaahh, cool, garden, horticulture
Thursday, March 27, 2014
I learned something new today
The red and yellow flowers they give out when they're happy are called, Canna Lilies.
Labels: aha, awesome, cool, discovery, garden, horticulture, nature
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Repotting Done
These are the Santan plants (Ixora grandiflora Ker) that I salvaged from my lola's place in Bulacan before it was torn down and renovated to a gas station. A variegated Bouganvillea plant and a lily-type of plant that was previously salvaged by our former maid thrown out into the street somewhere. In between the Santan plants are the creeping wall plants I also got it Bulacan.
This is the yellow Bouganvillea flowering plants I got from the Manila Seedling Bank early summer last year. Its present condition after repotting has me worried. Hopefully it will live and pick up tomorrow.
Edited (7:54 pm): The condition the tree is in, I just learned, is called a transplant shock coming from the disturbance of the roots. There's nothing much I can do about it now except to tend to it as best as I can. I just pray it won't lose as many leaves as both trees try to recover. Ergh.
Labels: aaahh, awesome, cool, garden, horticulture, nature, news
Monday, January 13, 2014
Monday, January 06, 2014
My new designer toys by one of my favorite contemporary artists, Nemo Aguila. Been eyeing these babies ever since I first saw them in his Facebook page.

Friday, January 03, 2014
What to do next?
Got word of the next theme ("tomorrow") and deadline (March 15) for the next Komikero Komiks Anthology. It's the new year! No more last minute stuff! I can probably fit one of the existing stories I have in mind for this one... or probably do something new.
Labels: aha, art, cartoons, comics, waxing poetic